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29 11, 2022

Celebrate Milestones and Support Independence to Help Your Loved Ones

2022-11-29T14:47:04-05:00Blog, Physical Health|

Stay positive. Have gratitude. Give thanks for the little things and celebrate milestones with your loved ones who have memory loss.  In some ways, it may seem counter-intuitive to celebrate milestones in difficult times. But that’s exactly the point.  Even as holidays, anniversaries, birthdays, or any other special occasion have their complications with loved [...]

29 11, 2022

Reminiscing Over the Holidays Can Help Senior Memory Care

2022-11-29T14:45:22-05:00Blog, Mental Health|

Winter comfort food, or a dish your family always had for the holidays. Stockings hung on the fireplace, or a cozy night by a fire with a Christmas tree as a backdrop. Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, or here comes Santa Claus, or lyrics to other songs you remember from the holidays.   [...]

31 10, 2022

How to Enjoy the Holiday Season With Loved Ones Who Have Alzheimer’s

2022-10-31T15:30:32-04:00Blog, Mental Health|

As we approach the holidays this November, it’s fitting that it is National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month and a time to help loved ones with the disease through the holidays. For you and your loved ones who have Alzheimer’s and related dementia, the holidays can be a struggle and painful reminder of times past [...]

31 10, 2022

For November’s National Diabetes Month, Here are Healthy Living Tips

2022-10-31T15:29:29-04:00Blog, Physical Health|

November is National Diabetes Month when seniors and elderly can focus on prevention and keeping diabetes controlled. It’s especially important now during the COVID-19 pandemic as the illness is expected to surge in the fall and winter. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that patients hospitalized with COVID-19 were more likely to [...]

6 10, 2022

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Are You Ready to RISE?

2022-10-06T17:59:03-04:00Blog, Physical Health|

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, part of a yearly campaign to raise awareness about one of the leading cancers in women along with skin cancer. This year’s theme is “RISE” or Rally in Screening Everyone. The best way to detect breast cancer is through mammograms. It’s important to detect breast cancer early because [...]

6 10, 2022

Take stock of your mental health during Mental Health Awareness Week

2022-10-06T17:55:06-04:00Blog, Physical Health|

Mental Health Awareness Week runs October 2-8, meaning it’s a good time to take stock of your mental health as a senior and key in to how to handle depression and enjoy good mental health. Congress designated the first week of October as National Mental Health Awareness Week in 1990. This year’s theme for [...]