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1 02, 2023

For Seniors Shopping Online, Here are the Safety Tips You Should Know

2023-02-01T17:05:51-05:00Blog, Physical Health|

The number of seniors who use the internet continues to grow, with the Pew Research Center reporting that 75% of those age 65 and older are online. More than half of seniors are shopping online, which also makes them at risk of being the victims of cyber crime. While online shopping can be convenient, [...]

1 02, 2023

The Holidays are Long Over and Now it’s Time for a Healthy Eating Reset

2023-02-01T11:31:35-05:00Blog, Physical Health|

Trust us, we know the feeling. We splurged over the holidays also. So many sweets! Good food! Gravy, stuffing, the dozens of cookies that Santa didn’t eat, the alcoholic drinks, fudge, and other holiday treats. Now you’re feeling. The pants are a little tight. Or maybe a lot tight. The energy level is low and [...]

4 01, 2023

How to Protect Yourself from Contracting a Cold or the Flu in the Winter Season

2023-01-04T13:48:54-05:00Blog, Physical Health|

The heart of winter’s cold and flu season is upon us. It’s the time of year that seniors and their caregivers should take precautions from contracting a cold or the flu. In addition, COVID-19 continues to persist, adding another wrinkle to the winter illness season. It’s so important for older adults, their loved ones, [...]

4 01, 2023

Moving to a Senior Living Community in Winter Can Have Many Benefits

2023-01-04T13:47:36-05:00Blog, Physical Health|

Winter brings its share of outdoor hazards. Days that are shorter on light, the cold, snow, and ice. Roads are dangerous with ice and even black ice. Same for sidewalks. And going outside in the frigid cold just isn’t fun. Throw in a global pandemic and new COVID-19 variants and it definitely can bring [...]