October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, part of a yearly campaign to raise awareness about one of the leading cancers in women along with skin cancer. This year’s theme is “RISE” or Rally in Screening Everyone.

The best way to detect breast cancer is through mammograms. It’s important to detect breast cancer early because it’s easier to treat and before it’s big enough to feel or cause symptoms.

In the United States, each year about 255,000 women get breast cancer and 42,000 women die from the disease. Only 1 out of every 100 breast cancers in the U.S. are in a man.

Most of the time, women age 50 or over are the ones who get breast cancer. But younger women are affected also.

This is why it’s so important to schedule your mammogram. Scheduling a mammogram is easy and you can do it with a call to your local medical health provider or even online.

Know the Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer has different symptoms, But sometimes women have no symptoms at all, making a mammogram even more important.

Common symptoms of breast cancer include:

—Any change in the size or shape of the breast

—Pain in any area of the breast

—Nipple discharge other than breast milk (which includes blood)

—A new lump in the breast or under your arm

If you notice any of these signs or are not sure and have a concern, get in to see your doctor right away. Early detection is key to success against breast cancer.

Lower Your Risk of Breast Cancer

Another important element to fighting breast cancer is lowering your risk. The CDC has several ways for you to lower your risk of breast cancer, such as breastfeeding your children in your childbearing years.

The other ways to lower your risk of breast cancer include:

—Keep a healthy weight and exercise regularly

—Don’t drink alcohol. If you do drink alcohol, limit the amount you consume

—If you’re taking hormone replacement therapy, ask your doctor about the risk


Senior living communities like Regency at Augusta Assisted Living & Memory Care are precisely that—a community. Residents become friends and even family, and a caring team is there to help them maintain their quality of life. 

At Regency at Augusta Assisted Living & Memory Care, we offer both Assisted Living and Memory Care and we care with Honesty, Excellence, Accountability, Residents first and Teamwork. We like to call it Caring with H.E.A.R.T.™!

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