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9 12, 2019

Top 5 Technology Tools and Devices for Seniors


Our world is becoming interconnected, where family and friends across a continent can interact with and see each other at a moment’s notice. But how do we make sure some of our most vulnerable friends and family don’t miss out on these wonderful advances in technology? Here are the top 5 devices and tools that [...]

9 12, 2019

5 Ways to Help Prevent Caregiver Burnout


Family caregivers play a crucial part in keeping our families strong and healthy. More than 30 million Americans have reported caring for an elderly loved one in the past 12 months, and that number is expected to rise as our population grows and ages. But how do we make sure these caregivers receive the support [...]

9 12, 2019

How Music Impacts Memory for People with Dementia


More than 44 million individuals throughout the world are living with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia, and struggle with memory loss, experience slowed thinking, and increased confusion. Although there is no cure for this disease, there are a variety of options that can help improve the outcomes and alleviate symptoms for these individuals. Research [...]