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28 06, 2022

Older and Senior Adults Can Take These Steps to Prevent Dehydration in Summer

2022-06-28T19:17:03-04:00Blog, Physical Health|

As the summer heat and humidity settles in, staying hydrated is critical for seniors and the elderly to stay healthy and avoid illnesses related to the heat. Staying hydrated does a number of things, including regulating body temperature, protects vital organs, and promotes skin health.  Signs or symptoms of dehydration that leads to heat-related illnesses [...]

28 06, 2022

As Summer Heats Up, Here are Tips for Seniors to Keep Cool and Safe

2022-06-28T19:14:04-04:00Blog, Physical Health|

Summer is the time to enjoy the outdoors and have fun. Everyone has memories of beach trips, or camping, fun at the pool, grilling and parties, and many other summertime activities. It’s also the time when you can spend too much time outdoors in the heat and sun. The effects of sunburns and dehydration can [...]

31 05, 2022

The Longest Day is Your Chance to Help Millions Fight Alzheimer’s

2022-05-31T19:34:26-04:00Blog, Physical Health|

Every June, people around the world choose to fight the ravages and darkness of Alzheimer’s through a fundraising activity of their choice on “The Longest Day.”  What will be your choice this year? Will you join the millions of people who participate in The Longest Day? Here’s how it works. June 21 is the [...]

31 05, 2022

For Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month, Be Aware and Take Action

2022-05-31T19:29:23-04:00Blog, Physical Health|

So many people’s lives are touched by the effects of Alzheimer’s and other dementias. A loved one, a relative, a friend, or someone you know.  An estimated 55 million people around the world are affected by Alzheimer’s and other dementias. Alzheimer’s is a disease of the brain that causes a slow decline in memory, [...]

20 05, 2022

How To Talk to a Parent With Dementia or Alzheimer’s

2022-05-20T13:55:30-04:00Blog, Memory Care|

Dementia or Alzheimer's can make it difficult to live independently. Your loved one may need help eating, dressing, walking, and completing other daily tasks.  This disease can even affect everyday communication, making it harder to speak with them. If you have a parent with dementia, how can you talk in a way that avoids potential [...]

12 05, 2022

How To Move an Elderly Parent Into Assisted Living

2022-05-12T12:55:11-04:00Assisted Living, Blog|

Moving is one of the top 5 most stressful things a person can go through, let alone moving a senior parent into a new assisted living community. Sometimes, this process can be difficult to process. Leaving a home full of memories is hugely emotional, downsizing a lifetime of possessions is a massive feat, and losing [...]